1000Cranes life

The Thank Yous

I’ve been sending cranes for 6 months now, and the best part, by far, is the thank yous. I’ve had people email me, or send me letters, or send me post cards. They’re all over the world, now, and it’s amazing to think about it. One of my favorite thank yous was from a boy who’d lost his girl. I’ll just let you read it:

Hey Benny,

Thank you very much for the crane you sent to my (ex)girlfriend in England. When I asked for you to make it, we were dating and getting along fairly well but then she had some issues she wanted to sort and wanted to be single for a while. It’s been about a month since we broke up now, and your crane just arrived and she was very happy with it! She wants to meet up with me soon and I just want to thank you for rekindling our relationship.

That absolutely made my day.

I can’t even tell you guys.

It was so awesome.