If you’re trying to package a cPanel account on the command line and you’re hitting and error that looks something like this:
Pkgacct error

If you’re trying to package a cPanel account on the command line and you’re hitting and error that looks something like this:
So, you boot up your shiny new AWS CentOS 6 server, and run the cPanel installation script. Next you reboot the server… ever… and it never comes back online? My question to you: is your IP also licenced for CloudLinux?
Sometimes, when something odd happens to your server (most of the time intentionally, though not in an ideal situation) when you go to add an IP address to your server, you’ll see this error:
$IPADDRESS is already an active IP. Skipping $IPADDRESSÂ .. already added !
And then when you check the cPanel logs (because you’re a good admin like that), you’ll see this error:
[2013-10-26 15:21:41 -0500] info [xml-api] $IPADDRESSÂ is already an active IP. [addips] version [1].
Well, when that happens there are a plethera of things to check and correct. Hopefully one of these will fix it for you.
Switching from pureftp to proftp through WHM says it completed, but you’re still running pureftpd? Try to do it on the commandline and see this error?
If you’re trying to install cPanel, and it hangs on:
\_ /usr/local/cpanel/bin/apache_conf_distiller
and your post-cpanel install easyapache bails on:
!! Failed to install CPAN Perl module(s) Digest::SHA1 Crypt::PasswdMD5 !!